Mariamne Ingalls wrote:Wow, Dale!
FAB! FAB! FAB!![]()
Thank you for sharing this! Mariamne
John Polk wrote:Never underestimate the will of an Asian cook when it comes to growing food.
Most Asian cuisine consists of a couple ounces of meat to each pound of vegetables.
If I ever decided to go vegetarian, I would want to move to India, Indonesia, or Thailand.
Looking at how most westerners cook veggies, it's no wonder 'kids don't like vegetables'.
It sounds like the property owners are happy to have found somebody who will produce.
A win/win situation.
yukkuri kame wrote:Nice work!
The Thai Morning Glory I think is KangKong/Ipomoea Aquatica, closely related to morning glories and sweet potato which is Ipomoea Batatas.
We picked up a fresh bunch at the farmer's market stripped the leaves and planted the stems and it was off to the races. Fast grower and super-easy to root from cuttings, same as sweet potato vines, perennial and can be grown in water or soil.
William Bronson wrote:Thank you for sharing this! I love your spirit of community and cooperation. You sir make a mean"stone soup"!
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
John Polk wrote:That bin in the upper left corner is occupying valuable sunny space. To store empty buckets & mulch.
Could it be moved to a shadier spot, (behind the bean/pea trellis) or UP higher on the fence...not on the soil?