Ziploc bags for fruit, leaves, stems & seeds, also pill bottle for seeds, so I can gather many kinds with out mixing them.
I would say a knife, but I carry that everywhere that not an airport or government building, I try to avoid both.
I carry a small shovel, hand pruners, loppers & folding saw in my truck, I wear long clothes' &
boots, sometimes a coat & hat.
Small first aid kit for chiggers, insect bites.
I do less foraging then some, because I have fruit from February/march-Asparagus, April-May Beets & turnips, May-June
Blue berries, blackberries, raspberries & Strawberries.
Garlic /onions & plums June-July, Figs July- October, Grapes, persimmons, nuts, paw paw, Hawthorne, red sumac.
I have Huckleberry & American gooseberries, Buffalo berry & Silver weed from Washington State, but they are not bearing
as of this year.