I live in zone 6a and I had good success with the "naked" oat this year, I yielded enough for about 12lbs of flour so far and Im not quite done processing all of it. Since I had to thresh by hand it was rather easy IMO. I planted in March I believe and it was ready by late June. I also experimented with cutting fully grown plants for
hay, and I found that if you cut them high enough they will come back so you can get 2 cutttings. I cannot confirm this for large scale on really small scale. I also, tossed some hay on my beds and the oats that were left on the heads sprouted and are now growing back, Im curious to see how far they make it before they die in the fall/winter. If anything I found that I can get a crop for eating, replant mid summer and get a hay crop for the fall, then plant again for a spring crop. That part is theory currently