Jake : I tried to catch you while you were still online ! I have a horrible feeling that you have spent a little time over in U-tube LA_LA
land !
Over there are hundreds of flaming units of death that people are posting videos of and 90% of them have one or more fatal flaws! These are
not true Rocket Mass
Heaters !
In the olden days of nascar it was 'run what you brung', we all want to use the expertise that we already have and thats good and normal.
As a welder using metal for the Heat Riser seems like a no-brainer, however please take a moment and look up
''High Temperature Hydrogen-
-Attack ", simply stated steel even stainless steel will fail in the 2000+dF Working Temperatures of the Heat Riser !
Also the Heat Riser has to be insulated, after the rising hot exhaust gases hit the underside of the top of the barrel, they radiate off their heat
energy and cool, falling vertically down to the bottom of the barrel ! It is the difference in Temperatures between the hot rising exhaust gases
and the rapidly cooling and now denser exhaust gases that create the 'work energy' to push the exhaust gases 50' horizontally through the
Thermal Mass ! Without this temperature difference the gas flow will stall and your Rocket will start smoking !
Do you remember the movie 'Backdraft' a few years ago? Attempting to have a lid that closes tight over the top of the feed tube, will smother
a fire that has its combustion area glowing cherry red, any
wood trapped within that space will continue to outgas its highly flammable wood
gases only needing the introduction of outside air to flash to flame, Two or three hours later your insulated combustion chamber is still above
the ignition temperatures of the combined fuel load ! Any one opening a lid over the feed tube to look in will be lucky to only lose ALL their hair,
including eyebrows!
By now you have a clearer understanding that a Rocket Mass Heater is not like a
Wood Stove! Another difference is when the combustion chamber
cools the ''J- Bend' of your RMH'' acts just like the '' p-trap'' under your sink blocking any further air flow until you build your next fire ! Because of
this and the fact that the
Rocket Mass Heater needs to run wide open to burn at the extreme temperatures that give it its clean and highly efficient
Burn requires for safe operation NO Damper be used on a
Rocket Mass Heater RMH!
Paradoxically it is with a properly made insulated final vertical chimney that we guarantee that there is no fire creeping back up the feed tube, this
is one of the areas where it is similar to the wood stove, thought the exhaust gas temperatures inside the final vertical chimney are much lower
around 150dF
I want to strongly restate my wish that you buy and carefully read "The Book''
Rocket Mass Heaters, every thing you need to know to safely
build your own RMH is found in its pages, and if you have any problems you can come here and easily communicate your thoughts and questions
to myself or scores of other Fellow members 24 / 7 ! For the Good of the Craft !
Think like Fire, flow like Gas, don't be the marshmallow! As always, your comments and questions are solicited and welcome ! Big AL