Alex, This is why I love
permaculture and why I suggested or my thoughts on your plot was not optimized. I want to reduce my
carbon footprint. By using an available localaized plot I can supply myself and family with food that hasn't been touched by any outside inputs. I have reduced my needs and reliance on others.
A wildlife sanctuary doesn't have to be non productive ie a Food Forest? You can still have sanctuary and produce food.
Wasted potential is not part of
permaculture, My thought when I plant or begin a
project is I want it to do two things each/every thing I try to do. Siberian snow
pea a nitrogen fixer, edible legume, the first part of my hedgerow that supplies wildlife habitat. That plant does three things for me. Lentils a nitrogen fixer I plant between my berry rows reduces weeds produces a legume works as a green cover crop. I Just hoe at the end of the year, chop and drop and leave the plant as mulch.
Rabbits a manure producer, meat producer, my wife rarely eats meat but I do. Easily acceptable in a
Chickens might not be an option for you but what about quail? An acquaintance raises quail, sells the eggs for consumption, sells fertilized quail eggs, sells quail, she cannot keep up with the demand. It began as a hobby and has now become a full time occupation. A 30x90
greenhouse is 1/2 green house one half quail aviary for production. One of her niches is with a catering company, baby veggies and baby sized eggs. Live quail to game preserves.
There are many instances where permaculturists have partnered with people and farmed their back yards and obtained land use that way. Some traveling from plot to plot on bicycles. Being able to show a productive parcel would go a long way to attracting interested land owners.
In our area there is a young man with an electric cargo bike, electric
lawn mower and yard tools. With his electric tools he promises a near silent ecological business
experience. He hauls everything on his cargo bike and is killing it. Wish it had been my idea.
I get animated talking about this stuff I can't understand why people aren't as jazzed about the possibilities that are so readily available and easily implimented. If they show no interest that's okay I wan't them to watch and hope they eventualy say
Fuck Yeah that's cool. I already know it's cool.