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Moving Forward

Posts: 16428
Location: USDA Zone 8a
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I really like the title of this thread, "Moving Forward".

When covid hit our country in 2020, I decided that I wanted to help people the best way I knew how. I also felt that the forum was the best place where I could do this.  So I moved forward with a plan.

My plan may not have been popular though it helped me through a disappointing and sad year.

My plan was to try to brighten someone's day if I could. Looking back, I hope that at least one person's life was brightened and that maybe they were able to laugh each day.  I will never know.

This year I have a different plan though I feel this is a better plan than last year.  If nothing else it makes me feel better.

It is my wish that each and every person who reads all the suggestions in this thread takes a little something with them.
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Alex, from what I've read it seems you have lots of energy and enthusiasm and are very creative.
I'm a little confused about , "bank coupons", do you mean money?  if so I guess for most of us we trade our time energy and talents in working a whole bunch giving ourselves to make money just so we can pay bills to have a place to live and food to eat and transportation to get us from where we live to where we work. for some its like being on a treadmill, forever walking but never seem to get anywhere and not even moving forward.
but--there are lots of very creative things written on this web site as to how to change and expand your life to work towards being self sufficient and getting off the "treadmill" of working for the "man"  even stuff here about how to find property and things like that.
there seem to be lots people putting posts on here looking to meet other people and have situation where they have land and need help to take care of it and build and grow lots of all kinds of stuff for food, shelter clothing and more.
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yes by bank coupons I mean money/currency. I have tried many times in the past to work within that completely unnecessary, unreasonable, and arbitrary demand, but it never lead to anything anyway. I have never been on the treadmill before, all applications I've submitted over the past decade were ignored completely. No one ever supported any business I tried to start. and it was always wrong from the beginning. but it's not only money, everything I've ever tried to do that involved other people lead to nothing because I exist in a different world than anyone else, in practice. If other people can get something useful out of this thread that's good but I am completely out of energy to try to depend on people, it never helped anything anyway. I will try to refrain from replying again.
bruce Fine
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Alex. its good to talk things through, especially with other people who are open minded and thoughtful, caring and have empathy.
I can understand not fitting in and others not understanding me. you might not want to give up. sometimes when I get to the point that any further effort will be useless, something or someone might come along that makes me realize there can be light at the end of the tunnel and there just might be another way or another way of looking at things.
sometimes I find it useful to take a little self inventory and get a piece of paper and write down, wants, needs and goals.
I may never get those needs filled or accomplish all those goals. but if I dont try I'll never know. for me many years ago after many trials and tribulations. I made a conscious decision that everything in my life from then on I would make every effort that whatever I do will be morally, legally and ethically correct. I may be a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. but I will try and I'll be able to sleep at night.
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Alex, This is why I love permaculture and why I suggested or my thoughts on your plot was not optimized. I want to reduce my carbon footprint. By using an available localaized plot I can supply myself and family with food that hasn't been touched by any outside inputs. I have reduced my needs and reliance on others.
A wildlife sanctuary doesn't have to be non productive ie a Food Forest? You can still have sanctuary and produce food.
Wasted potential is not part of permaculture, My thought when I plant or begin a project is I want it to do two things each/every thing I try to do.  Siberian snow pea a nitrogen fixer, edible legume, the first part of my hedgerow that supplies wildlife habitat. That plant does three things for me.  Lentils a nitrogen fixer I plant between my berry rows reduces weeds produces a legume works as a green cover crop. I Just hoe at the end of the year, chop and drop and leave the plant as mulch. Rabbits a manure producer, meat producer, my wife rarely eats meat but I do. Easily acceptable in a city. Chickens might not be an option for you but what about quail? An acquaintance raises quail, sells the eggs for consumption, sells fertilized quail eggs, sells quail, she cannot keep up with the demand. It began as a hobby and has now become a full time occupation. A 30x90 greenhouse is 1/2 green house one half quail aviary for production. One of her niches is with a catering company, baby veggies and baby sized eggs. Live quail to game preserves.
There are many instances where permaculturists have partnered with people and farmed their back yards and obtained land use that way. Some traveling from plot to plot on bicycles. Being able to show a productive parcel would go a long way to attracting interested land owners.
In our area there is a young man with an electric cargo bike, electric lawn mower and yard tools. With his electric tools he promises a near silent ecological business experience. He hauls everything on his cargo bike and is killing it. Wish it had been my idea.
I get animated talking about this stuff I can't understand why people aren't as jazzed about the possibilities that are so readily available and easily implimented.  If they show no interest that's okay I wan't them to watch and hope they eventualy say Fuck Yeah that's cool. I already know it's cool.

This tiny ad's name is Bob. With just one "o".
Willow Feeder movie
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