paul wheaton wrote:I think it is critically important to respect the wishes of the creator. If the creator wants it to be free, that's great. If the creator wants to sell it for a million dollars and you don't want to pay a million dollars, then move on with your life without it.
If the price is too high, simply don't buy it.
paul wheaton wrote:I think it is critically important to respect the wishes of the creator. If the creator wants it to be free, that's great. If the creator wants to sell it for a million dollars and you don't want to pay a million dollars, then move on with your life without it.
If the price is too high, simply don't buy it.
Kari Gunnlaugsson wrote: Sure. I think where people get hung up is that the ideas we're working with here don't have a creator, they are a synthesis of so many people's and cultures work across the ages. The way I see it, no one should or even can have a monopoly on the ideas behind permaculture.
Kari Gunnlaugsson wrote:
Don't act like letters and certificates are essential, or make people feel like they need them in order to progress on their own paths.
And people, don't ever believe that you need an institution's blessing or certificate to start practicing and living permaculture.
Paul, if you're going to repeatedly assert that the only people promoting the idea of free information are people who don't generate or contribute anything
I am concerned that John could be right: the issue of what should be free seems to be something most often brought up by those that want free things - not by those that generate useful content.
Let's not degrade it into some cheap commodity and find a way to leverage it to make a few bucks, and in doing so insure that it is only capable of reaching .1% of the population.
Where is that happening?
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It turns out that I didn't say that. Matt "enhanced" my words to make his point credible.
Dayna Williams wrote:
Not knocking PDC's, but when they are presented to beginners by so many people as the only path to permaculture knowledge
Idle dreamer
That's dangerous logic Paul
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My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
I think that like all things, this issue should be examined as a whole picture. What is money? What does it do? Are it's effects good or bad? I would personally argue that by and large, money has detrimental effects on society. Everything from starvation to pollution to human rights violations to clear cutting of rain forests can all arguably be blamed on money.
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Robert Meyer wrote: We need to critically examine the subject, rather than trying to prove who is wrong or right. No one is actually. We need to strategize on how to come up with an answer, and figure out what will make our society a better place.
Robert Meyer wrote:Paul, ideas can in fact be dangerous.
I'm not saying that you don't create lots of great content here, and give it away for free, which is great, but you spent a decent amount of time bashing his argument, whereas it's actually pretty right on.
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The phone is not the reason wicked folk do things. Money is the reason.
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paul wheaton wrote:
Robert Meyer wrote:Paul, ideas can in fact be dangerous.
I agree with that. your statement makes it sound like I have been advocating that ideas cannot be dangerous. If I have ever said that in my whole life, I hope you will do me the favor of directing me to that point so I can refute my own words!
I think that when people get the idea of killing me, I think that is dangerous.
So I'm baffled at why you feel you need to bring this up in this thread. And direct this statement toward me.
paul wheaton wrote:
Rion Mather wrote:It does send mixed messages when you are promoting community and changing the world through a price.
Who is doing that?
paul wheaton wrote:
The phone is not the reason wicked folk do things. Money is the reason.
Like Scrooge McDuck?
i don't think so.
I think people want money because of what it can buy. not for just the sake of the money.
Bad guys want money, and good guys want money. People that are hungry want food. If they had a garden, they would have food. If they had money they could have food too. If they have friends that share food, they could have food. But wanting money so they can get food does not make them evil.
Idle dreamer
There are no "bad guys" or "good guys".
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Rion Mather wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
Rion Mather wrote:It does send mixed messages when you are promoting community and changing the world through a price.
Who is doing that?
Someone that puts a price tag on permaculture information. I have a spiritual view of permaculture and the interaction with nature. As someone said in another post, a dollar sign can be interpreted as wanting to limit the accessibility of a product for various reasons. A price tag seems to only benefit an individual rather than the whole. I thought the philosophy of permaculture is that every thing is interconnected. Maybe I was wrong.
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paul wheaton wrote:
There are no "bad guys" or "good guys".
So I am not a good guy?
And the people that do the monsanto thing and crush opposition, they are not bad guys?
Fact. Not even an "I think".
So if I disagree with you then I am, in effect, calling you a fucking liar.
So be it: I think there are "good guys" and "bad guys". I think there are people that will sacrifice others in order to get what they want. And I think that is bad. Therefore, I choose to label them as "bad guys."
Robert Meyer wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
Robert Meyer wrote:Paul, ideas can in fact be dangerous.
I agree with that. your statement makes it sound like I have been advocating that ideas cannot be dangerous. If I have ever said that in my whole life, I hope you will do me the favor of directing me to that point so I can refute my own words!
I think that when people get the idea of killing me, I think that is dangerous.
So I'm baffled at why you feel you need to bring this up in this thread. And direct this statement toward me.
Here was your specific wording:
"It says that this person thinks logic can be dangerous. I always thought logic was a bit like math: true or false, complete or errant."
You are operating under the assumption that your particular logic is correct or right. Some one can logically say "I want to kill you", and they may understand what that means to it's fullest, but is that right? Of course not.
In any case, we're arguing the structure, and not the content of our arguments. Let's talk about the actual issue, and not how the issue is presented. See my posts above, which are awaiting a thorough analysis.
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Robert Meyer wrote:
You keep avoiding the primary points.
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paul wheaton wrote:
Robert Meyer wrote:
You keep avoiding the primary points.
I keep trying to wrap my head around the things you say and getting hung up on them.
And then you made it clear that you do not know the difference between logic and an idea.
I am going to spend my time focusing on the other comments.
Robert Meyer wrote:
Paul, I'm seriously and honestly curious. Please explain to an apparently stupid, but nonetheless inquisitive mind, what exactly is the difference between logic and an idea. Educate me please.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Kari Gunnlaugsson wrote:In a more ideal economy we would still all need to make our livings, and furthering permaculture should be a valued contribution to society that people can be compensated for.
Idle dreamer
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5 Acres in Southeast Michigan, zone 5b/6a, sandy loam soil, 930' above sea level, winds from WSW/W/WNW, annual rainfall of 35", annual snowfall of 30". Previously orchard and pasture that was retired for approximately 25 years.
.30 acres in Central Florida zone 9b, SAND and nothing but SAND, 6' above sea level, near coast with varied winds, annual rainfall of 52". Large city lot, will be more of a "high density urban" project.
laura sharpe wrote:Sigh. You asked for opinions. We are not good for agreeing nor bad for disagreeing. Delete the thread if you do not want opinions.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
laura sharpe wrote:Sigh. You asked for opinions. We are not good for agreeing nor bad for disagreeing. Delete the thread if you do not want opinions.
I think there is a difference between people offering opinions, and people commanding me to think their thoughts. Or presenting false information as fact.
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