I wonder if he means that we need more "Savannah style" farmland vs our current "no trees" or "full forest" approach. Have you looked at Mark Shepard's work? (Restoration Agriculture. There's a review of the book here: https://permies.com/t/20119/Restoration-Agriculture-Real-World-Permaculture ) He's done some interesting work about planting trees on contour with crop land in between. I know he used cows for some mob grazing, but it's been too long to be sure about pigs. I think he used them to pick up dropped fruit from the trees. Again, it would have been well monitored, short term, controlled access situation.This reminds me of something Joel keeps saying on the YouTube videos I listen to: "we need more trees and less forest." I don't understand that yet.
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Sean Govan wrote:Another tidbit from Joel Salatin on pigs' relationship with trees, around minute 30:15
Joel claims that American forests are suffering from a lack of disturbance or "ecological exercise," which he implies used to be accomplished by the Indians regularly clearing the forest floor with fire to create silvopastures and manage them for game.
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
Jay Angler wrote:You're doing a great job of researching this topic. Here are some more bread-crumbs to follow: I know that there are trees that can be harvested and dried as "tree hay" for cattle and goats - not so sure about for sheep, and haven't a clue about pigs. However, pigs are very similar to humans biologically, so I suspect tree leaves that humans can eat, may well be pig compatible. They might make good trees to plant.
Follow this link: https://permies.com/t/210634/FREE-book-edible-tree-leaves
and you can download a free book on the subject (I've done so and it is worth reading - Eric Toensmeier is awesome.)
See Hes wrote:first you need to know what kind of animals did naturally the disturbance jobs and how much space they occupied per animal when they were roaming through...
Also how many natural created wildfires are going through and how long are the breaks between?
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