I just had breakfast with Ernie and Erica. We had a long talk about this topic.
At this point, what we want to do is encourage many people to pursue this line of business. There are a couple that are already pursuing this, and we will continue to encourage them to come to market with a product. And there were many people that came to the recent workshops here and we showed them our current ideas on shippable cores. And we are going to work for the next few days on some more ideas.
In the past we had the idea that we will help bring somebody up to full speed. Now we are thinking that the thing to do is to support multiple people bringing a product to market.
We think that 20 people will try and 5 of those will bring together all of the ingredients to run a viable business. Each will have some small variations on how they go about creating a product. We think there will be plenty of market share for all five, but we suspect that three will probably not make it. That will leave two.
We have had people contact us where they have 70% of the business model in place and they expect us to fill in the other 30%. So let me be clear ....
Ernie, Erica and I will share our knowledge about shippable cores. Those that attended the recent workshops will have a distinct advantage. Eventually, somebody will have three or more cores that can ship. They will have a price and design that is within my comfort zone (which means that it is something that I think is also withing the E&E comfort zone). They must be signed up with a third party
affiliate program that I approve of for 10%. That means that anybody can sign up for the
affiliate program and direct people to the cores. And E&E must get at least $20 per core for their R&D work.
I am open to the idea of supporting a kickstarter.
I think somebody could get a business rolling inside of a week. And I think somebody could come up with an even better product in four months. I know of at least one person doing some very exciting stuff that I cannot talk about - but it could be a year before it comes to market.
course, if you create a product that I don't like, you are perfectly free to sell it willy nilly all you want. You don't need me. I am merely looking for a product that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
The part that is most important to me is that the base shippable core product contains a wood
feed (or stub), a burn tunnel and a manifold. The riser can be sold with the core or separately or there could even be no riser. For me, the most important thing is that the core makes things much, much easier. If it is shipped via freight and takes two people to move - that's okay. Although I do hope that in a few months we will see designs that are much lighter.