Peas. Back about 2001 I bought some "Burpee heat-resistant peas" which did poorly in the SoCal desert, but the seed moved with me back to Montana. In 2015 or so, I planted a few of them, and they all came up and made peas. So far so good, seed that stores well.
Next year I planted the rest of those seeds, along with two kinds of snap/snow peas. They were adjacent and hybridized however they liked, and made a mix of both types of pod and pea (the snap/snow type had bigger, square-cornered peas, but not as tasty). As usual for peas, when it got really hot they expired. I saved seed somewhat haphazardly, being whatever was dry on the dead vines when I yanked them up in the fall (so usually very late peas).
Rinse and repeat for a few years, and now I have peas that... this year produced very well through two weeks of +100F temps, peaking at 106F. They've finally slowed down, but new pods are still appearing. The vines show no sign of dying off. They are somewhat shaded as I plant them with the sweet corn, and train them to climb the corn (which doesn't seem to mind). They are ditch-irrigated and don't lack for water. They actually do best if planted in the fall (get bigger
roots), tho they don't sprout until late March.
As for the eating -- now instead of going starchy once they're full-sized, they stay sweet up until the pod starts drying out, and are larger than the original peas, but not square-looking like snap/snow peas, and the snap/snow type pod no longer appears (tho they are a little crisper than I recall of the plain-pea parent).
The garlic also does as it likes, and drops bulbils wherever. I think it's a hardneck. This year I have three sorts of scapes growing in three adjacent clumps (each of all one type).
-- Regular pink/purple bulbils (this is all I've ever seen til this year)
-- Pink bulbils with tiny pinkish flowers regularly spaced
-- White flower heads with straggly-every-direction flowers but no bulbils.
I wonder if they hybridized with the elephant garlic that used to be next to this stand, but died off this spring. (Came up, then disappeared. Used to make purple flower balls.)
11 Aug. addendum: after a week of cool and rain, some of the peas are blooming again, and making pods.
Also, most of the garlic flowers are making seed.