Tyler Ludens wrote:How about in a wet climate? Anybody here on permies building a forest and ponds system in any kind of climate?
Looks like you're starting to get some feedback already but will chime in, too. Would have sooner but, well, it's planting season here
I'm doing a ponds and forests type of system, though a big part of what I'm doing here is trying to actually "dry out" our topsoils in many areas. See, we have a lot of heavy clay with little topsoil (eroded badly due to poor logging practices) so generally, if we dig a hole, it fills with water and that water doesn't drain...just evaporates slowly. A lot of slash from the logging on this property is sitting just under the surface, pretty much as "fresh" as the day it was cut, due to the anaerobic conditions. Some of it was buried by erosion while much was purposely buried in to keep the skidders from sinking in the mud. The landscape is overall WAY over hydrated, causing the ecosystem to go into a sort of protective, repairative "swamp" mode. Even our red maples, which are supposed to be tolerant of seasonal flooding, are rotting out and falling over in many areas!
Our soil profile in most areas I've worked so far looks roughly like this: highly organic topsoil on top, generally less than 1" thick and usually saturated, followed by nearly pure blue/gray clay between 2" and 4" thick, followed by a layer of organic topsoil buried by the last logging event anywhere between 1" and 3" thick, often barely damp, followed by a layer of brown/red clay that's usually dry and upwards of 4" thick, followed by ANOTHER layer of organic topsoil, this one upwards of 6" thick and usually bone dry, which I figure was buried by erosion from the logging event between 30 and 50 years ago, followed finally by more brown/red clay going down as far as I've made it so far (about 4.5ft).
Our goals are to 1) increase evaporation over the short term, using relatively shallow ponds with a larger surface area, to allow for more biological activity in the soil and 2) increase deep infiltration of water so it's not just sitting on the surface, making for mosquito/deerfly breeding grounds
See my
project thread if you haven't already for an overview of our plans and some of the work that's been done so far ("The Camp" in my signature). The specifics are, of
course, always up in the air, depending on the boots-on-the-ground conditions, but I had laid out a lot of the general patterning before we ever stuck a shovel in the ground...before we even bought the property!

Even though our goals are slightly different than yours will be (draining/drying overly wet soils vs wetting/hydrating overly dry soils), most of the same methodology will apply. Water is funny that way - whether dealing with overly dry conditions or overly wet conditions, most of the techniques are very similar.
If others in your area are able to hold water in their ponds, you almost certainly will have success as well. You mentioned a high clay content in your soil, which is a big plus. Two things to keep in mind, though, is 1) you will definitely need to seal your
pond, even if you're interested in deep infiltration and 2) provide A LOT of surface shading and protection to prevent high water temperature and evaporation.
For the shading, water hyacinth, duckweed, azolla fern, water lilies, lotus, etc will go a long way toward keeping the water temperature down and reducing the evaporation. If they've overtaking your pond, just skim it to clear 50-75% of the cover and
compost it all - think of it as a compostable material production system

Large, dense deciduous trees casting shade over the pond will help hugely as well - oaks, pines, etc. Maybe use the trick from old China and plant a mulberry hanging over the pond from the south to cast a dense shadow and provide fruit drop to/draw insects for fish production
The biggest issues will be direct sun and hot, dry winds, so planting a dense windbreak around the pond to help keep the winds from whipping over the surface will help as well.
On sealing a pond,
Geoff Lawton's trick of using ducks really does work. We have several small ponds already dug and when we get droughty (usually august/september) the one the our muscovy ducks use the most NEVER dries out, even when the others are completely bone-dry. Two other things you can look at are bentonite clay (they use it in the oil industry and it
should be available if you call around) and organic matter. That dense deciduous trees shading the ponds will have a lot of leaf drop - ponds are notorious leaf traps and will accumulate literally tons of leaves each season. All that organic matter lining the bottom will form a living film of bacteria and microbes that helps seal the pond as well. Between ducks and enough leaf drop, you could probably seal a pond built on pure sand.
Remember, too, that when you change the hydrology of a site, it does take time for the water to catch up to the changes. Expect it to take a few years for things to even out