Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
An open source, libre economy is an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration. To get there, OSE is currently developing a set of open source blueprints for the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) – a set of the 50 most important machines that it takes for modern life to exist – everything from a tractor, to an oven, to a circuit maker. In the process of creating the GVCS, OSE intends to develop a modular, scalable platform for documenting and developing open source, libre hardware – including blueprints for both physical artifacts and for related open enterprises.
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Jennifer Wadsworth wrote:A library in every pocket:
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti
Joe DiMeglio's not really new or part of a new way of doing things. It's just the old stuff in a new box.
Joe DiMeglio wrote:The idea of sending information to 3rd world countries to teach them Permaculture and appropriate tech will still need boots on the ground to teach these ideas hands on and help to implement them. If people have to go, they can just take the info with them, making this tech superfluous.
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Cj Verde wrote:You make some interesting points.
Joe DiMeglio's not really new or part of a new way of doing things. It's just the old stuff in a new box.
There's nothing "new" about permaculture either!
Bill Mollison had no problem using "a cup or two of fossil fuel to make a dam that will last 2000 years. However, he said he could accomplish the same task using 5000 Indian woman (and had done so).
True, there's nothing new about permaculture. My family were using it in the 70's on our farm when nobody in the states including us had heard the word. We found the techniques in old books on dryland farming, Native American gardening, Mother Earth News and from my granddad who was a farmer. What I meant is that it's not a new way of doing things for modern humans whereas Permaculture is new to us because it is so old, a forgotten body of knowledge like hunter gatherer skills. New in this context means something other than the status quo we currently suffer from and which is oriented away from the current paradigm of totalitarian agriculture and Dominator society. Thanks for helping me to clarify that point!
Bill Mollison also advocates spraying crude oil on sand dunes to stabilize them and this is because oil is a naturally occurring substance made of old plants and will break down over time like any other natural substance. That seems a far cry from a network of satellites and computers that require massive industrial inputs and extractive processes which damage the earth. I don't think this Lantern thingy is going to provide Earth care, people care or reinvestment of surplus like stabilizing dams or sand dunes will.
Joe DiMeglio wrote:The idea of sending information to 3rd world countries to teach them Permaculture and appropriate tech will still need boots on the ground to teach these ideas hands on and help to implement them. If people have to go, they can just take the info with them, making this tech superfluous.
I'm not sure, but I think the idea is to let 3rd world people learn for themselves instead of being taught it. Enabling their access to this info, which we take for granted.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti
Joe DiMeglio wrote:
I'm sure that that is the idea, CJ but could any of us teach ourselves permaculture then create and implement a design just by reading a book? I'm sure it could happen, but the odds of success and the numbers of people able to do this would be very low. Teachers not only teach the material, but answer the inevitable and innumerable questions that are raised and demonstrate the techniques through metaphors, similes and physical demonstrations as well as building people's excitement for the topic so they dig into it deeper. Then there is the issue of language barriers. A teacher who doesn't speak the student's native language would need to work with a translator ahead of the class to make sure they're translating things right and providing example that the students can understand.
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
The experiment
On 26 January 1999, Professor Mitra's team carved a "hole in the wall" that separated the NIIT premises from the adjoining slum in Kalkaji, New Delhi. Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. This computer proved to be popular among the slum children. With no prior experience, the children learned to use the computer on their own. This prompted Mitra to propose the following hypothesis:[3] The acquisition of basic computing skills by any set of children can be achieved through incidental learning provided the learners are given access to a suitable computing facility, with entertaining and motivating content and some minimal (human) guidance.
Mitra has summarised the results of his experiment as follows. Given free and public access to computers and the Internet group of children can
Become computer literate on their own, that is, they can learn to use computers and the Internet for most of the tasks done by lay users.
Teach themselves enough English to use email, chat and search engines.
Learn to search the Internet for answers to questions in a few months time.
Improve their English pronunciation on their own.
Improve their mathematics and science scores in school.
Answer examination questions several years ahead of time.
Change their social interaction skills and value systems.
Form independent opinions and detect indoctrination.[4]
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Dave's SKIP BB's / Welcome to Permies! / Permaculture Resources / Dave's Boot Adventures & Longview Projects
For those who bought Lantern on IndieGoGo, we remain on schedule for shipping in the third quarter of this year.
Dave's SKIP BB's / Welcome to Permies! / Permaculture Resources / Dave's Boot Adventures & Longview Projects
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
yeah, but ... what would PIE do? Especially concerning this tiny ad:
GAMCOD 2025: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy