Life is too short, plant a tree for those that follow.
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Isa Delahunt wrote:And winter food is so awesome! Wow! And the oven is ready to go at any time, day or night, if you have a cookstove you're heating with, so all those baked things it was too hot to crank the fire up for are available as almost "fast food".
Winter is the time you get to wear all the clothes you really like--all those great sweaters and socks and things that it's too bloody hot to wear in the summer. No worries about body image, everyone looks the same under several layers of clothes
Sarah Loy wrote: One of the important factors in dealing with depression is for everyone to be educated to know that it is not the result of someone being lazy or not tough enough. The exciting news with SAD is that the most effective treatment does not require drugs most of the time. I hope anyone who struggles with winter meloncholy will get the help and support they need and be able to take advantage of all the great ideas in your articles.
kai weeks wrote:
I think that it might have included a lot of introspection, but I think also it meant learning and understanding of the thoughts and feelings of others - family, friends. Winter; the season for person-care and person-understanding... but also a time when new ideas can be pondered, things which have happened can be discussed and problems shared.
I've got no option but to sell you all for scientific experiments. Or a tiny ad:
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