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What is a Mother Tree ?
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What is a Mother Tree ?
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Rick Valley at Julie's Farm
Our Microgreens:
Rick Valley wrote:Disclosure: one young friend, who was very involved in the global ecovillage network, spent time at Tamera was quite angry afterward that she had not been advised that she would be under persistent strong pressure to adopt an active poly lifestyle, which got me to wondering what the priorities are in the community.
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What is a Mother Tree ?
People are the keystone species of the planet.
Gert in the making
Neal Spackman wrote:I don't call 600 mm of water per year a little amount of water, either.
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
Neal Spackman wrote:I don't call 600 mm of water per year a little amount of water, either.
Yup. If I take my annual rainfall, and add to that my annual irrigation the total moisture added to my place is about 600 mm. I'd have a hard time calling a place that receives 600 mm of rain per year a desert.
Sepp Holzer wrote:I could see straight away that southern Portugal's dryness is a result of human wrongdoing and is not its natural state. Decades, if not centuries, of intensive and incorrect cultivation methods have resulted in the drying out of the land. The annual rainfall is little less than that of Germany or Austria, the only difference being that almost all the rain falls in the winter.
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I see you eyeballing the tiny ad's pie
Heat your home with the twigs that naturally fall of the trees in your yard