Oh Wyatt, there are *plenty* of things far, far worse!
We just want to make sure that if there is a
thread where people are discussing the first step on the compost-toilet that we don't put them off taking that first step. For many people that first step is such a huge one that it wouldn't take much to put them off. If, however, we encourage them and help them find a way that suits them and their family then they will very likely be able to convert other people. Yes of
course there may be ways that are even better, but they're not better if they are such a huge step that people are put off taking it.
Having said that, I'm a Jenkins-humanure person and proud of it!
Maybe we need a thread on 'How did *you* give up flush toilets?' or something, so that all us over-proud waterless composters can brag to each other in comfort. Then the flushers can join in when they feel ready.