Some more interesting thoughts on beds versus rows.
Established gardens
Vegetable gardens with beds system in zone1 take all fine mulch we can produce. By fine mulch i mean
compost, and other fine grade broken down materials. It is very easy to maintain garden beds with this kind of mulch, easy to spread any time of year, if needed also inbetween growing plants. Gardens are producing very good, we are not greedy, but we need a bit more of some type of veggies for our consumption. Gardens in zone 1 and maintenance are staying with us, but new growing areas are in preparation for next year.
Why rows?
Applying coarse mulch as easy as possible!
For new growing areas (zone 3) there will not be enough fine mulch and main source of covering material will be hay or long partly dried grass in summer and leaves in fall. Single rows are very convenient for this kind of maintenance, that's my main idea right now.
Using rough mulch such as hay and leaves is time consuming and very hard to do on garden beds when plants are growing, especially close spacing ones. Also mulching beds in fall is a challenge for sowing and planting in spring if system of beds is used.
Imagine you got this crop and it's growing on 1.2m beds. Soil gets bare because mulch is eaten, and it's time to mulch again. The only material you have is long fresh grass or hay. So hard to mulch beds versus mulching paths and single rows, because you only mulch paths and it is easy to apply. By mulching paths you actually also mulch each side of a planted row, that's what i really like.
In my case i think i will not go wider than 0.4m for paths.
Mulch and ground preparation
Ground will be prepared now as a whole using rotten hay and leaves for mulch. I can decide in spring where and how big the paths and for what veggies to use single rows, double rows or beds.
For mulch, nothing else is available, and also in future there will be only hay, fresh grass and leaves for this growing area.
I am thinking to compost the material available, just need to figure out how much i can dedicate to composting as i need to prepare the ground now with what i have available and by the summer this mulch will be gone and bare soil will start to show.
Growing mulch on site will be done and it's very important aspect. Cover crops will be key stone to this.
Small is good!
I should remember this, when i decide on dimensions for new plot. Better to use thicker mulch on less area, than thinner on bigger. Done this mistake so many times now, it's funny! I hope it's not going to happen this time. It is also important that you have enough mulch to sustain good cover which is important for many things - soil health, weeds,
water are the main ones.