other than our two cats we don't have any domesticated animals..but we do have a LOT of animals on our property (white tail
deer, bear, fox, coyote, mink, racoon, skunk, squirrel, opossum, lots of smaller animals and maybe a few other large ones and a ton ton ton of birds and insects.) they provide a LOT of manure, esp the deer, bear and turkey,
rabbits and birds. They spread it pretty much themselves so I don't have to distribute it..occasionally i rake the larger piles up and move them around, but the deer and rabbits and birds are really good at putting it around everywhere.
they also do a lot of the other work around here..
i don't know if we would be better off with domesticated animals or not, but these we don't have to put any care into, no worry about vacations, etc.
i don't believe that if you have a
permaculture property ..unless it is severely fenced about 10'high, and has a wire cover over the top, that you'll keep very many animals out of it no matter how hard you try.