hi berry, its good you are asking questions. first off, i dont recommend breeding yearling goats, they are not mature
enough and many times need help with their babies. i prefer to wait until they are two. second of all, their diet they have been on is not adequate. they should be getting alfalfa since they need the extra calcium and protein, a good goat mineral and baking soda free choice to help their rumens develop. since they are just being given feed, they dont have much of a rumen and you will have to help them develop one so they will be more healthy. their bellies should look large, as a sign of a healthy rumen. many healthy goats look pregnant, even though they are not. its hard to tell if a goat is pregnant. too much grain is not good for goats or other grazing animals. pasture is best and due to winter weather, supplementing with hay.
you should be able to let them browse in the pasture, they are not going to overeat as long as you are still offering them feed so they can transition to better food. get them some alfalfa hay, they will need this also when they kid and after for better
milk production so they dont get toxemia. a great website on goats is
she also has herbal formulas which are very popular for natural worming, mastitis, lactation, and many different things.
oat hay is great for goats and our mothers like oat hay as well.
many people do not recommend electric fence for goats, they will just go right thru it.our goats are only fenced in their pens and graze around our loosely horse fenced property and dont go very far. no climb horse fence or even field fence is good to keep them out of any plants or
trees you love.
there are so many things to tell you, please check out the website i gave you. i would also find someone to disbud your baby goats within the first week they are born, we disbud all our goats. horns can cause
alot of problems for them and each other and you cant show goats with horns if you plan on selling them, this could be an issue.
do you have a milk stand and are you going to milk them? do you have someone to show you how to do this? we give grain only when we are milking, otherwise they get hay and pasture. we always leave hay for our pregnant and lactating does free choice to make sure they get enough. anyone who has had a child knows how much more food you need when you are pregnant and nursing. nursing mothers require even more food than pregnant mothers do, of all species.
make sure also you have someone able to band your boys if the kids are boys, unless you are gong to
sell as bucks. and you may need to seperate them from their moms as early as two months if they are still intact because they may try to breed their own mothers or sisters. if you dont need a buck or plan on selling a really good quality ie; personality, milking ability of mom, etc. you should have them banded within the first few weeks. wethers make wonderful companions.
we let our moms nurse their babies, they bond and love their babies and we still get plenty of milk from them. you dont have to bottle feed a goat to get them to like you. you dont want to drink the milk for the first few weeks anyway due to the colostrum, it tastes a little strong, and its better for the kids to have it.
good luck with your goats, if you enjoy and love them as much as we love ours, you are very lucky.