L. Lines : A lot of martial to get through - Lets start !The
Rocket Mass Heater RMH is a very efficient Space Heater that when well built is self correcting
and also alerts its operator all its needs through a series of 'tells' Mostly auditory -the rockets roar - and visual clues to the temperature Your Rocket is
running at by the Color of the walls of the burn tunnel !
This efficiency comes from the high temps and resulting near complete combustion ! Make-up air 'fed' to the fire is warmed on its way to the Heat Riser
where this combustion occurs !
The amount of 'make up' air needed for a ~1400 sq ft ~ home requires an 8" System ! This 8'' piping will have an interior space of 50.24 Sq. inches and
an inside circumference of 25.12 inches notice the 2 : 1 ratio !
The amount of 'make up' air needed for a ~100~ sq ft home works with a 6'' RMH system.This 6'' piping will have an interior space of 28.25 sq in. and
an inside circumference of 18.84 inches here the ratio is closer to 2 : 3
Now the 4'' its 'Make up ' air requirement (sub 500 sq ft ) seems to be an interior space of 12.56 sq inches and an inside circumference of 12.56 sq. in.
Note the 1 : 1 ratio
When we reduced our 8'' pipe by 1/2 to 4'' we actually reduced the interior area to 1/4 - and it gets worse - Note again the ratios of space to flow air
through ! At the interior wall of Your piping you have a boundary layer where the flow of air is stalled or zero flow so when the ration is very close the
boundary layer has a much greater effect in slowing down the flow of air efficiently through Your RMH.
While a 4'' RMH is possible, it is a very fickle beast as it is running very close to its minimum requirements all the time ! every one here wants your 1st
Rocket to be a success ! Further 6 months from now we want you as a full-fledged Rocketeer to be answering questions in these Forum Threads !
When new members and future Rocketeers come to this site for advice on attempts to build their 1st RMH, generally they are steered to a 6'' system
as the smallest RMH to attempt for a 1st Build ! Most of them with much larger spaces to heat are so satisfied with their 6 '' system they never attempt
a 4 '' system !
The fine people at DragonHeaters.com or
Dragon Heaters Face Book make a 4 '' kit model that guarantees a successful build every time by eliminating
the variables ! And you
should look them over ( I know nothing about Their sales out of the U.S. )
The pocket rocket is much loved by Zombie Hunters, Preppers, Ice fishers and people on picket lines - where it is not uncommon to see a 55 gal drum
burning a cherry red right at the bottom and it has been known to set blacktop on fire !
As designed it is made to be used outdoors, While this is a very efficient unit with little smoke produced mo
st of the heat energy produced ends up going
up the chimney, shutting the fire down is a problem when attempting to use it indoors as you will have some amount of problems with smoke ! Immediately
after the fire is out -you are cold again !
There is also a problem with longevity of Your Pocket Rocket, in order to have Your insulation and thermal mass on the inside of your barrel to increase
the Drums longevity you will need to use at least a 30 gall drum if you can find one !
While a working 4'' RMH would seem to be your best
answer, My recommendation is to identify your location in England much more specifically so that you
may make a connection with a Fellow Member who is a near neighbor with Rocket and
Cob experience
For the Good of The Crafts ! Big AL