Hi Thekla! Good point about fire suppression water reserves being multi-function. Any water storage that you can access doubles as fire protection - but if you can't get it open in an emergency, or keep it filled most of the dry season, it's worth less.
A cistern will reduce evaporation, may be important if you don't have much water/water rights. As a first-year firefighter, I really like the idea of a high-up cistern with a big quarter-turn hose fitting, or any hose fitting (we carry a lot of adaptors). Way easier than drafting for a tired crew; if we're fresh, we can make up our own minds which is faster.
I'd be tempted to go multi-function with a cistern whose outlet feeds some other irrigation, and where any leaks or excess, as well as any rain, are channeled into wetland or horticultural features like swales that hoard every drop.
Elle: With limited water, I hope you are being realistic about the size of that U-pick orchard. Water rights are one thing, water availability is another. The whole Colorado basin is over-subscribed, and extreme weather is becoming more common.
Fires are worst in dry years, and if the trees on the edges are already drought-stressed with drying leaves, they might carry fire along into the rows you were trying harder to save. Do you have enough rainfall on the property to feed that orchard if collected and distributed intelligently (as I imagine you will)?
If you're relying on water rights to creeks, aquifers, or other water sources, you may be in the wrong climate for your
Another question is: are you selecting the most climate-tolerant fruit trees for your area? One way to judge is to look for abandoned homesteads or absentee-owner properties where their fruit trees are still going strong. There are also cactus with lovely edible fruits, if it comes to that.
Our climate is hot-cold-arid-sub-alpine. In our draws and bogs we seem to have apricots, wild cherries, and elderberries up here at elevation where it takes a lot of TLC to grow apples, for example.
One of the biggest apricots on our mountain has two rockpiles about halfway between the trunk and the
canopy drip-line, which I suspect are partially responsible for its size. I have never noticed anybody watering it, the owners are way up the driveway when they're there at all. These rock-pile dew collectors are made with loose rocks that the wind can blow through, depositing heat. A tall-ish rock pile or gabion
fence could also be used as a radiant heat barrier, if oriented with care. Reducing the wind speed and radiant heat helps keep plant moisture up, and reduces the ignition rates of those embers once they arrive. Radiant heat pre-bakes your house getting it ready to burn; permanent shade can help a lot.
With rock-falls and safety zones: Watch out that rock piles don't fill with flammable debris and become heat-collectors after a fire. We had a bad tragedy in the Okanogan at the Thirty-mile fire when crews tried to
shelter on rock scree with a lot of pine needles and duff that had settled down in the gaps in the rocks.
In my district, we do not have any real safety zones, though our meadow and the dirt race-track could probably be converted quickly. It's hard to imagine clearing enough of our conifer forest that everyone on this sparsely-populated mountain could get to a shelter quickly... and if we did, we'd lose the trees' moisture-gathering and shade effects, and be prone to more frequent fires. I don't think deforesting the landscape is the answer, especially while we're all living in isolated little homes instead of the more traditional villages or multi-family longhouses. Making forests into deserts doesn't sound like permaculture; and in terms of conventional fire-wise design, it sounds like letting the fire win.
So if you're thinking of creating fire shelter areas, please talk to neighbors about going in together on something appropriate. I'm tempted to build an
underground bunker shelter as described in Mollison's permaculture manual, or the buried pit-house design local tribes used to use for shelter.
Our friend Barbara's place was overrun by this year's record-breaking fires (which broke the record of last year's record-breaking fire complex).... Her swales, which were irrigated, inside the driveway loop, helped the firefighters save her home and shed, but she lost other outbuildings and the undeveloped brushland and woodland across the driveway. Their
tractor is now a weird melted slag puddle.
So that's my new basis for saying swales, with irrigation, and an attractive turnaround driveway big enough for fire trucks, are a big plus. A sign saying "Cistern with 3000 gallons, big turnaround" and a map is also a big plus if you are trying to create beneficial firefighter habitat. (Will, thanks for the compliment on that other post... others, see the PEP1 thread for the idea of attracting firefighters kind of like hummingbirds or
mason bees. A fire truck coming by to refill is like a bonus safety check on your property while fire is nearby.)
Another consideration that our local group has come across in the wake of this year's fires:
As we know, bare ground attracts weedy pioneers. We permies like weeds more than most people, but even we don't like the illegal-alien invasives. Areas that are colonized by invasive weeds before a fire can become bigger problems after, and areas that are cut bare (like fire trails) can become invasive weed vectors. Most undisturbed wild lands will recover well without interference, and wild
native plants may in fact be better adapted and thrive after a fire.
I keep coming back to not wanting bare dirt around the place any more than necessary. A gravel road or stone wall could be a better option, though it costs more.
We are hoping to help re-seed fire trails with an appropriate native seed mix, the local Conservation District has some good resources for seed sources.
I'm also thinking about methods that conserve soil moisture, but make it easy to cut fire trails when needed. A deeply-mulched pathway could be turned into a fire trail with minimal effort, perhaps, or a strip planted with short bunch-grasses or seasonal bulbs that would be easy to mow, and easy to clear with a hoe or shovel if fire trail is urgently needed.
Mowing during fire season is not a good idea, by the way - mow in spring, or before the grass dries, and don't take combustion engines with big rock-beating blades out in the dry grass during fire weather. Short plants like clover or bunch grasses can be easier to keep alive, and short, without mowing.
You are right to be concerned about being near the road - but there's a lot of road to consider. In the fires I was on this year, roads were a definite minor theme. Combustion engines are already on fire - and they are just waiting for a chance to share the glory. We had fires started by haying, badly-maintained electrical harness, propane leaks, and some who-the-heck-knows roadside fires. (We also had about as many lightning strikes as everything else combined, so hey, it's natural.)
I appreciated on one property, they had mowed roads/firing ranges, with good lines of sight. They served not just as access to patrol for smoking embers, but also as partial fire-breaks where it would be easy to cut trail there if a full fire-break is needed. And I was pretty sure they were not booby-trapped, which is a (no kidding) real concern in our back-hills, paranoid-prepper neighborhood.
I hope this goes without saying, but if you want help defending your property, you ABSOLUTELY must let your local fire department know about hazards like ammo storage, farm chemicals, etc. It would be nice of you to post a diamond placard, or a map. But for God's sake, don't booby-trap the place! If you want help in an emergency, you better not be trying to kill your local emergency workers "by accident." And remember most of them are government employees in one way or another. Those "stay off my place, you government stooges!" constitional-rights signs tend to repel fire-fighters too.
That was a random tangent, sorry.
One other thing that got added to my list of traditional tools since the PEP1 post: I noticed that Moroccan villagers in the dry mountain olive region will plaster their whole roof from the underside. They tell me it's for bug protection, but it looks a heck of a lot more fire-resistant than our vented, exposed-wood eaves, which we use on all manner of houses. The coating shown here is a brown-coat plaster of clay and fiber smeared together, finish coating of white clay or lime.
In most climates, it's pretty clear whether fire or damp is a greater structural concern for your home. It pays to detail for the relevant conditions.