Brendan Edwards : Not much joy here ! While we are definitely at a cross roads with all roads pointing forward, You are asking for someone who is an expert
in Two different though related crafts !
1st thing, even though this next link for you to click on comes From You-Tube- please be aware that there is a great deal of Crap Videos out there in U-Tube
and anything yo0u see
should be regarded with a high degree of suspicion ! O.K., Link below :
Really the only think that I have to add is pay attention to ergonomics and how easy or hard it will be to ''work with'' your build ! Plan ahead and make baby steps-
Your earliest steps should be done outdoors !
We have sections related to where in the world you are, and a section to introduce yourself, and one to announce new Projects ! A couple of new
Thread posted on
these forums may help you find a near neighbor with
Cob, and
cob oven experience Good luck, Good hunting, For the Crafts ! Big AL