Now what you do is set up proper,
permanent, well-designed small systems
for each plant you are going to
grow. If you are going to grow cucumbers,
you make these holes, put
up a wire mesh cylinder, about four
feet high, and it's permanent, and you
always grow your cucumbers there.
You work all this out. In the general
garden, you do a sort of spot rotation.
Wherever you are manuring, as in cucumbers,
potatoes, and things like
your asparagus bed, you never rotate.
For tomatoes, rotation is disadvantageous.
Tomatoes grow better on the
same spot. So you set up a permanent
tomato bed. You treat each vegetable
as a design problem.
In any community situation, it is a
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
Idle dreamer
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog :
Sometimes the answer is nothing
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