So, I live in an area where heat is probably the BIGGEST
energy consumption. I'm pretty sure if we don't have it we'll die. Therefore, we are very energy dependent. I'm looking for the best renewable energy solutions.
The sun is available about 40% of the time, and usually all at once or not at all. If there were such things as
solar curtains, they would work here, again - 40% of the time, during summer, when they are needed the least.
Wind is available about 20% of the time, not usually when the sun is there, and usually it goes from 0 to 30 mph. The good news is it's usually associated with times where extra energy IS needed.
Water energy isn't
local to the property, could be done, but usually in the times it's needed the most, it's frozen.
Wood energy has potential, especially with a VERY efficient rocket mass/
wood stove design. HOWEVER, I'm highly doubtful it could get everyone through the cold of winter every winter.
solar can help, but a lot of structural changes would be needed over a lot of area to get everyone to benefit from this, not to mention the frost line does end up around 4 ft in the coldest years, which turns basements into walk-in coolers in spring when you first turn the heat off.
I need to work out, and so does my family, but I don't think we would do it
enough to produce any electricity worth mentioning.
There are city-bought shares of non-renewable energy. There is not a place for the
city to create a power grid. It would therefore, in my opinion, be better for individual houses to produce their own energy in a user-friendly way (as user friendly as a
water heater - it's there, it works, when it doesn't work - you call someone). But, I could be wrong.
Any suggestions?