I remember someone saying permacullture courses are accepted at some universities, so get in touch with the
Bill Mollison, Hugh Lawton lot and ask about it.
the advantage of a university is that it would make it easier to get a job advicing others i suppose, which gives you an alternative to running you own business.
Lots of the permaculture lot seem to be teaching with no formal education on horticulture, though Bill Mollison himself got a university degree in agriculture or some such, it is after all easy
enough though time consuming to study one self easier as an adult than as a youth.
I think locking yourself in the bathroom to read dependes more on how much time you feel you ought to give to the children than on anything else and if there weren't allsorts of ways of bringing up children i think the world would lack people of different talents. Very coddled children come out one way and very uncoddled ones another and their different talents are all maybe usefull, though if you want success for your children they need plenty of time to study so you should do the house work and child minding but who knows how to make them study when you do give them plenty of time, i don't.
My parents shrugged off a lot of work on to the children, more onto some than onto others and i am the result, can't spell or punctuate, they said as i did badly at school i could wha tdid it matter some people can argue the hind leg off a donkey as i was bad at written work i shoul dhave been doing less house work not more. I am getting better at spelling and punctuating now and not rushing through things so that i leave out half the arguement.
I spent an awfull lot of time cooking and washing up i also iron hung up clothes and took them down and other jobs. My parents were very unreal about studying, they seemed to think you could fit it into short spaces of time or they said i went out, so obviously i had time to wash up and cook. It was bad for formal studies but my mother read an awful lot herseflf and passed on a lot of information to me and that is why I am good at somethings and i did read a lot, so win some lose some. What makes me cross is they got me to do so much house work and then called me lazy for doing badly at school. Cross enough to talk about it here. On top of doing a lot of the menial work keeping up standards because your children help you to keep them up, reeally complicated meals, i got done down as lazy. Till women are paid a good wage for house work that will go on happening though i should think it can happen in any feild.
The worst thing about my childhood and work is that my parents thought you could do everything in a flash, and when they weren't beign unreal about how long things took they were doing what lots do to persuade you to do what ever job it is they want done pretendign it is less arduouse than it is, as they wanted me to hang up the clothes iron or whatever, they always said it just took a minute or two. If you want people to work well you should make them real about how long each job takes so they are not always cross with themselves for doing so little in half an hour when really they have done all they could, being real about how long each job takes makes you work happily and proudly with a sense of having been good and responsible and feeling good about what you do helps you to work well and to be happy. this subject makes me a bit sad.
If you use the trick a lot of people seem to use, of saying just do this and that for me it only takes you two minutes, you will educate people who will do jobs for anyone without asking for any sort of recognition, who others can manipulate, though it may seems to the parents they are just teaching you to be good. When my husband, before we married, got me to do a lot for him and would never do anything for me or recognise anything i had done, i was quite willing to do everything and then have others call me lazy into the bargain, that just seemed normal to me, so i did not get out as i should have done. It is not healthy not to ask for a return for what you do it makes others spoilt, it was not healthy for him to be able to do as he pleased with me nor was it good for me, i got so unhappy, though i just thought ¡t was that a relationship was so i thought beign unhappy was not too worrying, but if you get that unhappy however determnined you are to go through with the relationship, everytime another man is nice to you you fall for them, it does not happen very often when you are in a relationship you are not given much oportunity to be with others. agri
rose macaskie.
I would have thought the easiest way to learn to run a business is to get a job in a nursery garden or shop or some such, you need to get a feel of how selling a bit every day really does bring in the dollars. rose macaskie.