Judith Browning wrote:I thought that the dehydration part was something the bees did before capping the comb...maybe the bee keeper harvested too early? ...before it was all capped?
This is true, once the honey is done dehydrating they cap it immediately. There is a small allowable amount of uncapped honey that is fine but if you process frames with too much uncapped honey, there will be too much moisture and it will go bad.
Honey is also hygroscopic, meaning it attracts
water. So if you leave it out in the open, it will actually draw in moisture instead of releasing it. Your best bet is to freeze it in small jars and just take out what you will use within a short amount of time. Or, you can just make a batch of mead and use it all at once
Since you already have your own hives, you could probably get away with just taking small amounts from them if it's just for your personal use. Instead of taking a whole box, you could take a single frame of (CAPPED) honey at a time...