I keep forgetting to snap photographs when we are harvesting. We've pulled a load more beets, I'll have to remember this week when we are putting together the veg. boxes.
In the mean time, our French ('kidney') beans and some of the borlotti beans have started to dry on the plants and need harvesting. I've taken in about half of the ripe beans so far and they are drying in the kitchen. Some of the beans I'll save for seed, for next year. Most of them will be eaten over the winter.
I podded
enough beans to fill a large pyrex mixing bowl, a little over
1kg. There are plenty more and I'd expect to yield somewhere closer to
2.5kg that I will dry and put away for storage. Over the summer we have eaten a lot of immature beans and their pods too. I'm hoping, next year, to grow about 5x as much as I really enjoy growing legumes.
We grow most of our beans as '2 sisters'. That is, we grow the beans up hazel poles, initially with lettuces or other short crops beneath them. Once the short crops have been harvested, the beans have climbed the poles and we can transplant our squash plants. The squash then cover the ground beneath the beans, protecting the soil and shading out most of the weeds.
One of our beds is true '3 sisters', with sweetcorn planted amongst the squash and beans. The corn has done pretty badly this year - it's slow and several of our plants were eaten early on - but the guild seems to work nicely, even in wet West Wales.
Kidney/French beans harvested:
1kg (3300kcals)
And that is species #11! Just a few more beets to go...