Medicinal herbs, kitchen herbs, perennial edibles and berries: grown in the Blue Mountains, Australia
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
Angelika Maier wrote:Some thoughts: what do kids and teachers do with these plants? Would they really make soap with saponaria? What would they do with all these lavenders?
Fruit trees should be incuded! For me it is too much children packing into cotton wool. While I would not include toxic plants because of liability issues to exclude a plant
only because it might cause a rash in some people or say gooseberries because they have thorns is a bit over the top for my taste.
There is as well a difference between toxic and toxic deadly nightshade is very toxic while you have to eat a lot of rhubarb leaves to die (an kids are unlikely to eat that many raw greens)
I would go the other way. Does the school have a canteen or a kitchen? Are parents involved? With apples when they ripen in the summer holidays and no one is around it causes only mess.
While if they ripen during school days it is a good addition for kids. Either you want plants kids can eat raw. Or you want plants kids can learn something, cooking or soapmaking or dye wool.
Or tea plants, but this depends wheather there is a kettle and the kids can make their tea. Each plant has basically a use or even a school prokect linked to it.
David Livingston wrote:Pumpkins and caugettes as they are edible and impossible to over water.
Carrots beetroot both can be eaten after a short while
Beans and peas
Medicinal herbs, kitchen herbs, perennial edibles and berries: grown in the Blue Mountains, Australia
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