I'd never heard of chloramine before and just did some reading. Don't you just love having a dozen web pages open and still can't find that one you were looking for to quote..... but after reading of all the by-products of modern water treatment methods I'll be using ONLY spring water for anything I'll ingest.
Either way, fermentation is all about encouraging GOOD bacteria to grow. Water treatment is about killing ALL bacteria and the two really don't mix well.
By-products of Chlorination:
Animal and epidemiological studies have suggested that some by-products of disinfection in
chlorinated drinking water may cause bladder, rectal, and colon cancer. There is also some data
that suggests that chlorinated drinking water could cause birth defects or reproductive effects
(Health Canada, 1993). It has been estimated that 14-16 percent (160-165 cases) of bladder
cancers in Ontario could be attributed to long-term exposure to drinking waters with high levels
(over 100 µg/L) of chlorination by-products (Wigle, 1998).
By-products from Chloramination:
Reported toxic effects of chloramine include possible effects on the immune system and damage
to red blood cells of patients on dialysis. Monochloramine is classified as a possible
cancer-causing agent in humans due to leukaemia observed in animals. Part of the eye irritation
felt by swimmers in swimming pools may be due to chloramine.
The most commonly used alternative to chlorination is ozonation. Ozone is an excellent
disinfectant and does not form chlorinated by-products (Health Canada, 1993). However, it
provides no residual disinfection to maintain water quality as it passes through the distribution
system. It is therefore necessary to supplement ozonation with chlorination or chloramination.
This results in many of the same by-products as in chlorination (Boorman, 1999).