Hey all! My name is Debo, I’m 54, and would like to offer my special brand of uniqueness, logic, intelligence, cleverness, hilarity, and supplies. I’ve lived most my life in MN and in the mountains of CO, love fall and winter, and have dreamed of homesteading in Alaska for more than two decades. The environment and respecting it are extremely important to me and so is being part of a society with the same belief system. I recognize people have accepted corruption,
greed, consumerism, poisons, and waste, but knowing and watching this has me feeling like this awareness is slowly killing me. It confuses the hell out of me and I have trouble letting go of things that confuse me this much (it’s not logical any way you slice it) and keeping it simple is more my jam anyway. Because of my age, lack of abilities, and lack of experience combined with my weaknesses and fears. I think I know who I am and I’m cool with my imperfections but know I can’t do it alone and survive much less thrive. I could also use someone likeminded to come to my home for a month or so and help me finish the work here and help determine what’s the best to take. I’ve been collecting things for a well rounded homestead like
books, tools, survival gear, and a ridiculous amount of heirloom seeds, but I’m no expert on what to take. I’ve been working on superficial updating here at home and once I sell will have a fair amount of money to help get a homestead started or join yours and add to what you already have. My most difficult challenge at this time is I need help moving forward with someone I can trust. My desire is to spend my days doing things necessary for survival, gardening, making and creating things from the land, and caring for animals and children. I prefer a small cabin by myself because I like to be alone more often than not, but hope that changes someday. A few things about my values and ethics; I’m all about people being free to be who they are and accepting who they are free of judgment. I feel people
should live the way they choose to and not at the expense or pain of others. I value honesty, integrity, personal responsibility, and keeping your word above most everything else. Life is often painful for me because I’m too empathetic, but I’m also exceedingly logical so I can come across as cold or too soft depending on the circumstance but my intentions are for good. I‘m a happy atheist who’s mind you will never change and don’t understand why everyone doesn’t see life is a combination of your actions, choices, mistakes, what nature throws at you, and shit just happening for the good and bad. If I felt the need to rely on a higher power this beautiful planet, the only thing we can’t live without, would be my choice. I believe in only taking what you need, sharing, and cherishing it for as long as you can or is healthy. I don’t believe in typical taught or governed social norms such as ownership, monogamy, or DNA over well chosen relationships. I desire a family unit that works together, balancing out our strengths and weaknesses filled with truth, respect, acceptance, forgiveness, and peace forged through honest communication and working together toward the same goals. If you’re into astrology my sun and moon are both in Aquarius and I own that I am all of the good and bad traits of an Aquarian personality, and I’m also aware that mine are amplified to an extreme. I also suffer from PTSD, ADHD, and periods of depression that send me to my cave, sometimes for weeks. My hope is to find people who understand mental illness isn’t a choice, or at the very least accepts this reality and doesn’t judge. I’ve been dealing with social anxiety as well and for the last several years only leave the house 2-3 times a year. Personally I think my depression and social anxiety is more sane than crazy considering the way I live and my current environment. I crave being outside more than inside, and I crave an environment of a few people that I can trust with my life who can trust me with their’s. I’m putting this out there and hoping somebody says yeah that nut job is just right sister for us. I’m not looking for physical relationships, I’ve never been very good at them so ideally I’d like to be more of a grandma and caregiver, but I do try and live my life open to possibilities.
Things I’m pretty good at: Making people laugh, telling the truth, organic gardening, cooking, construction and DIY, wide open to new things, catching on quick, finding creative solutions and uses for things, making an environment feel homey and welcoming, loving animals, accepting and respecting others, flying by the seat of my pants, and I am awesome backup.
Things I suck at: Being the boss, paperwork, finishing what I start if I get bored, or my focus is consistently broken. Most heavy lifting, asking for help, killing things, self care, feeling bored, understanding and accepting other peoples actions when it’s serious and they’re not rooted in logic and common sense, singing, feeling secure when people are really upset with me. I have no filter, a sometimes dark and twisty sense of humor and I cuss a lot (depending this may be a plus in your eyes).
If I sound like a good fit and you would like to chat reach out I don’t bite. I do enjoy some modern conveniences too and would enjoy having the internet for stuff like this but that’s no deal breaker, all the cool kids read
Peace, Deb