If i were you? Not hindered by any practical knowledge.....
- I would start looking for a smallish, immediately usable property in the region(s) i like but keep looking for a better place. The first property (or rented
land) is just your starter lab.
- Study the region, study the maps (soil, geology, seismicity, groundwaterquality, usable natural resources (clay, sand, natural stone,
wood, ....).
- Learn to use a hand drill and interpret soils, soilstructure, groundwater variations.
- Find likeminded people, find out what they are doing, find out what you could do that meshes up economically with what they do.
- Get experience. Study.
- Collect information - collect interesting plant/mushroom varieties - grow them at your smallish property.
- Learn grafting technique.
- Learn value added techniques.
Beekeeping, making liquors, cider, flavored vinegars, cosmetics, jams, syrups, medicinals, dried flowers, drying herbs/veg/fruit, making spice mixes, smoked meats/cheeses, .....
- Learn building techniques if you have the aptitude? Learn to us a dozer/tractor/.....
- Textile working technique ? ....
- Get to know
local restaurants or establish connections with outside restaurants if there are no posh ones nearby.
- Talk to Japanese permies and get their advice, recipees,.... Find Japanese sources for seed varieties which are rare/non existant stateside.
You might consider the value added to your produce if sold in a tourist area as a local product. In Italy i met a beekeeper moving his
bees all over the country side in Tuscany and neigbouring provinces but he sold his honey in a mountain tourist hot spot. I know of similar ventures in Belgium and Eire.
I have a friend who has several veg and fruit gardens on different soil types with different microclimate, etc..... I would love to have his expertisse and variety of produce.
I personnaly would prefer a sunny hillside with different geological layers (different rock types!!) and one or more reliable source levels and rocks useable as building material. Perhaps with an old orchard (if not diseased) or fruit farm. Or perhaps with an old quarry.
A layer usable to make an
underground cellar/cave is interesting. Think of all the French, Italian, Spanish,Belgian food specialties (cheeses, cured meats,
mushrooms, wines, .....) that are grown/fermented/cured/ripening in caves.....