I see you your chicken attack and raise you a rooster yodel.
The video wasn't showing properly for me, but once I clicked play, it was okay. For those having the same troubles, here's the direct link.
I'm wondering if it's the same guy as your video. Either way, I'm now running around the house singing "go chicken goooo-oo-o" and "kick your non-chicken ass". Great video.
Oh Thank you so much! These were great. I was in doctor waiting room watching the videos and other folks think I am bat-shit crazy rolling out of my chair.
r ranson wrote:I'm wondering if it's the same guy as your video.
They're both Takeo Ischi. Oh my goodness, this is hilarious. My husband and I are cracking up. I'm also glad I waited until my three year old was asleep before watching it, LOL! He LOVES and watches the Bibi Hendle video a lot...but we don't need him kung-fo-ing his 9 month old sister like the the chicken ninja!
I can't remember when or where I surfed into this dude on the internet. It was one of those moments when I realized that I missed my calling... or at least, that there are way more interesting ways to earn a living than I have managed to achieve. The fact that such things exist make me both happy and enchanted that all hope for wacky humor, and making light of the world, has not been lost in the state of the divine tragedy that has become much of the media's portrayal of what is acceptable. Kudos. May chickens everywhere rise to their full potential as weaponized ninja fowl to free us of our oppressors.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I remember we had the original "Chicken attack" in another thread some time ago. These three clips were new to me, thanks for posting!
Good to hear that Takeo is still happy and healthy. He holds a special place in the hearts of the older German generation. There are not many who also cater to the younger generations in such a nerdy way.
BTW, he lives in one of the most beautiful spots in Bavaria.
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
So fortunate that these links arrived on a rainy day when I wasn't too busy to watch them. And share them. Although the "man dancing in his goat shed' (that ain't no shed it's a big barn) was somewhat lessened by the fact that the sound cut out just before he started dancing. But the man, despite being a white dude, CAN dance. I love the nexus of a Japanese guy, ninjas, Bavarian countryside and dress and yodeling, in English...the best of multiculturalism.
Carrie Land wrote:I am a chicken lover with a few of my own. I gotta say that this video is a little out there, and my eyebrows are stuck!
Eyebrows stuck from laughing or crying or bewilderment?
What, you're never heard of Japanese Yodeling? The video was a riot! Something new and different to me!
I can just picture a full feature film of a Japanese Chicken Yodeler as the next kiddies' icon of a super power!
This is awkward. I've grown a second evil head. I'm going to need a machete and a tiny ad ...