Maxwell Myers wrote:I wish you luck! My girlfriend and I did this for about 2 years, and found nothing but bait-and-switch scenarios where people would always act laid back and cool at first, (if anyone ever works to convince you HOW cool they are, over and over, run). and then switch to desiring either constant attention, or later informing that we would now be servants to their lordship. In fact, out of 5 people we stayed with, 4 of them never actually wanted any concrete work, (or wanted to do permaculture, or much of anything at all, it turned out), but instead fulfill their emotional needs, (either because they were lonely people needing new best friends, or petty tyrants just wanting someone to push around). Make sure you know exactly what's expected of you in terms of hours worked, or chores per week, or whatever. There has to be a defined concrete value you are agreeing to provide, and if they are wishy washy with what that is, run. They are luring you in, and by the time you're moved in and comfortable, the real terms of THEIR agreement will come out. And it won't be good.
Also, make sure they know your stance towards having to hang out and/or report to them on a dimes notice. Let them know if you are introverts, or want community. It's a hard road, and most times it won't work out. But I wish you the best! We got so emotionally exhausted by the process we decided to focus on getting our own land now. Nobody managed their land even close to wisely, in our perspective, and it never felt free to have someone lording over us. But your mileage may vary! Again, good luck!
"Small pleasures must correct great tragedies, therefore of gardens in the midst of war I bold tell."
VM Stoegbauer
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