I'm a part-time website designer and I wanted to give some feedback about a short-but-infuriating
experience I just had with your site.
This is the first time I have used your site.
I went to the main page of the forums and clicked a post. I realised I could contribute to the post and decided to leave a reply...except, there was no reply button anywhere on the page. After a few minutes of intense frustration and disbelief I ended up actually Googling "permies how to reply to a post". I then saw a post on the Permies forums where somebody else asked an almost identical question. It was then explained that new users could not post on certain sub-forums.
My suggestion - when a new user does not have sufficient point score to post to a forum,
do not hide the reply button, just change it's behaviour so when you click it you see a message that says "You don't have
enough points to post here yet."
P.S. Thanks for all you other good work.