There are a couple of seed companies that specialize in Alaska varieties. The biggest is Denali Seed and you'll find their seeds at They have a mix of heirloom, hybrid, organic, and conventional seeds. They do bred for Alaska conditions and only sell varieties that have been proven to grow here (although you do still need to be careful as some of their varieties can only be
greenhouse grown). I find thier descriptions and info about growing conditions to be really useful. I've used them for years and had good results.
Then there is Foundroot. They specialize in open-pollinated varieties that are developed for Alaska conditions. I just recently discovered them so haven't used them yet. I plant to try them out this spring.
Jonny's Select seeds is a Maine company but specializes in cold weather, short season crops and I know many Alaskans use them.
I also like West Coast Seeds out of British Columbia and Territorial Seeds from the Pacific Northwest but I'm in SE Alaska where the growing conditions are a bit more like that of BC. Both have lots of cold hardy varieties that would likely do well for you as well.
Of course other local gardeners are your best resource. Check out the Central Peninsula
Gardening Club I would assume Homer and Seward probably have
gardening clubs and would likely be worth your while to find out about some of their events. This time of year many garden groups are doing workshops, group seed orders, seed exchanges, and the like.
For general information on varieties and growing in Alaska the Cooperative Extension Service They have variety lists for the different Alaska regions. Lots of articles some with really good info about growing in our conditions.
If you get up to Anchorage check out the botanical gardens there. I know they sell some seeds in the
gift shop. Look for their spring plant sales. Also a great resource for info especially for herbs and perienials.
Read some of Jeff Lowenfels Alaska gardening articles. I know he just did an article about seeds. I think he does one every year about this time so looking through the archives might get you some good info.
Master Gardener Ed Buyarski does a couple of radio shows, Gardentalk and In the Garden and is a font of information on growing here in Alaska conditions.