Nice thread. It's good to hear about what works and what doesn't over the long term. Tyler, I see you leave tree stumps when you can to anchor your brush dams to as you said most of the area is down to bedrock. For people with soil for anchoring to here are pics of a
workshop I did with Bill Zeedyk this fall where we made brush dams. Old barbed wire fences were deconstructed and the t-posts and juniper posts from them were pounded into an eroding channel. The orange-marked posts are on the upstream side, the green on the downstream side. Junipers were cut and their branches were woven among the upstream posts being sure to bring them all the way to the bank on both sides. The branches were stomped down as they were placed so they hold firmly. The downstream side was treated the same way, then branches were put between the up and downstream sides and also stomped down. Two or three brush dams were built across the channel perhaps twenty feet up and downstream from each other.
I was pleased to learn this technique as my property has no useful rock to speak of but lots of cedar.