Living a life that requires no vacation.
Living a life that requires no vacation.
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Living a life that requires no vacation.
Chad Sentman wrote:There's a phenomenon I've experienced a few different times in my life.
I'm quite a "heady" person. I like to discuss and debate and investigate the world, but I find that I frame my understanding in a way that sets limits on what it is I actually do understand and what I am capable of understanding, because every new piece of information is interpreted through the lens of my previous experiences.
The phnomenon is that, I will become curious about a subject, research it almost religiously, spend days scouring various websites until I feel I'Ve learned enough to consider myself something of an expert on the subject, able to answer other people's questions with confidence and accuracy, BUT it isn't until I actually put my acquired book knowledge into practice that I become aware of how much information was lacking. I may have had my facts completely wrong, or even completely right, and yet I discover that it was all just theoretical and I don't truly understand anything until I begin to put it into practice.
This is how I feel about the ketogenic way of life. I understood how it worked. I knew what foods can be eaten and what should be avoided. I could explain it to whomever asked. But I didn't KNOW it, not intimately, for almost a decade.
I didn't have any sort of eating disorder, I felt my life was active, my diet was healthy, and I was in decent shape.
Mentally, I wasn't prepared to give up my croissants or pasta or the various desserts I love so much. I had no reason to, I enjoyed them.
But then I saw a friend I had not seen in a few months. He is a doctor, and he was fairly round and heavy when I saw him last, but this time, he looked incredibly fit. He explained how he had switched his diet to ketogenic, and he proudly reported that in addition to losing so much weight (about 80 lbs. in my estimation) he also experienced heightened mental clarity. He proudly shared how he now had a six pack and an increased libido.
My friend also didn't have an eating disorder, before or after.
Pulling together some bits of information from various parts of my memory, I realized that although I am currently in decent health, I am likely on a path which leads to things like metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or heart disease. Although I have a fairly trim body, I felt like my belly was starting to expand and i looked bloated.
I decided to begin eating the ketogenic way, and I have to say, as much as I thought I knew, I really didn't know anything until I experienced it for myself.
I never would have believed you if you had told me that I would eat dietary fat and lose body fat. I would have seriously doubted you if you had told me I could eat as much as I want, but would be completely full all day from one meal each day. Yet these are my experiences.
When people ask me about the inches I've lost around my waist, and I tell them my eating protocol, they tell me that I am damaging my health, or that they would be hungry all day if they ate like I do.
I try and tell them, 'That's because you are using your current diet as a frame of reference" but mostly they just don't understand, while thinking they do. As I did.
A person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with a theory.
I can only say, try it for two weeks. But also like me, most people are not willing to give up their pasta.
Meanwhile, when I pass by a bakery, I don't feel any draw to go inside, because I am still quite full from the meal I had the day before.
The science is in, but many people are too busy enjoying their dietary status quo to pay it any heed.
The ketogenic lifestyle has been shown to be effective for helping people with diabetes, multiple sclerosis, autism, cancer, epilepsy, and more. In my case (and likely true for many other people also), I am eating as much food as I want, which is healthier and tastier, for less money.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; you're right"
-Henry Ford
If you open the box, you will find Heisenberg strangling Shrodenger's cat. And waving this tiny ad:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)