So I dug down about 3' at my sight and tried another soil shake test...I still can't find a line differentiating the silt from clay (see my jar picture).
Playing with it to make balls and "worms" I noticed a couple of things. No matter how deep I go, I'm going to have a lot of fine
roots in the soil mix--I can pick out big stuff, but will little 1/16th inch diameter pieces broken roots matter if left in the
cob mix?
Straw is organic, right? The next thing I noticed is that this soil is sticky only when there's
enough moisture to give it the consistency of fresh play-dough. If it's drier, it will still mold into solid shapes, but it rubs off my hands fairly easily. In the play-dough consistency, it holds finger prints somewhat, and will roll out in a pencil-thin or smaller worm, and usually hang over my finger in a 4-5" strand. I say "usually" because when it does break off, I find that it does so where there's organic or small gravel. The pinch-a-ribbon test is more challenging--I can occassionally get the ribbon to hang almost 3", but more often it breaks, again where there's
root and tiny gravel/large sand particles. If I sieve this soil to clean out the trash, will I lose the real-soil condition in testing?
I also packed a couple of 1.5" cylindars (PVC pipe) so I can measure shrinkage. The photos were after the samples sat overnight. The very thin layer on top of the shake test sample is liquid, not a clay layer. My county's soil survey calls this soil "silty loam." Shouldn't I see a line between the silt and clay? Can the silt to clay transition be so evenly graded that one can't see a difference?