Hi all. It's been a while since I started a
thread, so I thought I'd actually let you all know about a
project I'm working on: Composting weeds, including
perennial grasses with dense or vigorously spreading
root systems.
I have a pretty rough last couple years, and my mental/emotional self has not been up to a lot of tasks. I won't bore or burden anyone with the details of that, but my garden went to crap (weeds), a little (read as: a lot) beyond what I'd like. Perennial weeds like grasses, daisies,hawk weed, eye bright, as well as some tenacious many seeding annuals like hedge
nettle have a way of taking over growing space, especially if left unchecked.
I'm on a leave of absence from work and have gotten, with the help of my mother, most of the garden back to a relative state of control.
The pile of weeds was impressive. It filled a full sized truck to heaping but before that it was just in a massive heap on the garden side. I know that a lot of these would not benefit a
compost pile much, and are in fact very difficult to compost, so I decided to try something new. Do a controlled Pre-Rot.
I went to a
local dude who farms
cattle and garlic organically (not certified), and got a truck load of this year's manure which was half from his cows winter
water hole, and half from the winter feeding rack area: a mixture of
hay and shit that was scraped up in a pile to the side. Half of this truck load was laid in with the weeds on the heap.
I chopped the weeds up with a sharpened spade as dad hosed them and the manure down. A chipper shredder would have come in handy here. So what I mean is dad saturated the pile while I went at it with the spade like I was a machine. It was cold out. Dad was wearing two sweaters over his shirt. I was shirtless and sweating. It was a good workout.
Anyway, the truck and a half of material, wetted down as such, was actually reduced in volume to less than a truck load of volume as there was virtually no air in it. I also added about a half truck load of grass clippings, half of which was green, the other half part dry. I expected and wanted an aerobic rot, rather than the sort of compost that I normally make (and indeed, right beside it was a proper compost, made with plenty of air, and only dampened, rather than soaked, was one about twice the size). The entire pile was covered with six or more inches of grass clippings to reduce light, and air and hold the moisture.
A week later (Today) I turned both piles.
My intention was to get another load of that great manure mix and add it to the anaerobic pile, but the dude wasn't feeling well, so I'm waiting on going over there. But the piles were still hot and I wanted to keep them generating more heat, so I decided to not wait. Dad does the maintenance at the school
yard, and so after he mowed, we went up there and raked up more clippings. So instead of manure, I added more grass clippings. These I try not to lay too thick all at once, and I go at them with my spade fork, with a plunge and twist, so that they mix with the sodden material.
So today's task (which is to begin the transformation of the pile towards a more proper aerobic compost heap) began by removing the outer layer that is not as rotted down. Oh and the six inches of grass clippings I put to one side, near where the new pile would be. The actual sodden sod mess, I stripped downwards with the spade fork. This outer material will make up the center of the next stage of the pile. It had some break down, some things were growing out with some fresh growth toward the outside... so there is plenty of composting/rot work to be done to this outer material still. The outer top, was hot, whitish like
ash and (I think) steam dried after going fungal. At any, the rest of the outer layer was warm but not hot. Not much vigorous chopping was needed; I was surprised. The smell was also surprisingly not too bad (I expected it to be pretty gnarly and rank). It was in fact somewhere between compost and wet manure in smell, even in the center where it was dense, anaerobic, saturated, hot, and in full rot action.
I wheelbarrowed from the far side all of this outer material, and from the near side, spade forked directly onto the new pile location, mixing it with the spade fork twisting motion with grass clippings. Occasionally I would spray some water, as the outer layer had some surprising drier areas (particularly on the sunward and windward sides), and some of the grass clippings that I was mixing in were dry.
Generally for this stage of the pile I was not planning to give it much water> In fact I didn't even have the hose over there yet, but it actually needed a bit. If I had the new truck load of manure I would have probably mixed the center and outer layers alternating with a layer of manure and only (maybe) sprinkled the manure/hay mix, and this would have given the outer layer material plenty of moisture. I also added about three big wheelbarrow of hay to give it a bit more air - I did want to go towards a more aerobic pile but I didn't want anything to start growing, or I might have added a lot more of this loftier material. There was a lot of root material in the new inner core, and I wanted this to still rot a bit... so combining aerobic and anaerobic methods here.
The inside core was difficult to work with. It was heavy work lifting fork after fork of the dense saturated manured hay and sod, but the majority was seriously rotted, and broken down! I did notice that the very bottom foot of it was not really broken down much, despite being equally saturated and dense; I figure it was because it just didn't get hot like the center did where the thermophilic bacteria were really communing.
This core material would now, of
course, become the outer material, and was mixed with the previous outer six inches of grass clippings, and some new grass clippings, some of the former of which was flattened into dense mats. Some of the mats were whitened with a fungi, and others were slimy or nearly so. I tried to use the spade fork twisting motion to break these up when mixing with the fresh clippings and sodden inner material. No new water was added.
Generally I was just throwing this material up onto the top and hoping that it would cascade down the sides of the new core. The density of it, however, dictated that I often had to break it up the large blocks of dense material and the matted grasses with the spade fork a lot more than I really wanted to have to do, but oh well... it was also broken down more than I thought it would be and I figure that I owed it something... or something like that. Back to work.
Afterwards I covered the entire pile with about two feet of grass clippings, to cut out light, reduce external oxygen, to shed excess water, and to also keep the moisture level about how I made it.
In about a week I will probably do the whole process again, but this time with a final addition of alternating manure layers.
My regular Aerobic compost will probably be done with the next turning, but this one will probably have two or more additional turnings, as I go more and more aerobic with it for the finished product.
In the end, I'm hoping for about 4 tons of compost. !!!