I think those are good short term solutions for a sad problem.
I've found that usually critter problems are caused by (as you noted) lack of food or encroaching humanity.
On our farm we have quelled most of this type of problem by having three LGDs and the hogs seem to really keep the
deer away.
The dogs and donkey keep the large predator (coyote) from even stepping foot on our property.
The dogs take care of most of the other 4 legged predators.
Snakes seem to be the only "bad critter" that our "protector" animals don't manage to keep away, this is mostly because the
chicken house is fenced separate from the hog's
land with fencing that keeps the hogs out.
I might have to remove that
fence so the hogs can grab a visiting, egg stealer for a quick snack.
At one place I lived at I put 4 tall posts around every tree and then used 1/2 inch mesh wire around them to keep the critters off my produce.
The nut trees even had to have a "roof" put on the surround to keep the squirrels off my hazelnuts and walnuts.
I feel for anyone trying to get food from their plants and trees where there are "gatherers" around in quantities.