Idle dreamer
rose macaskie wrote:
I tried burying flower pots whose holes i had stopped with concrete. I am not sure that i am good enough at concrete mixes to make a good stop to the holes in pottery pots and i was not there to observe the effects of my efforts and restop the pots if the concrete was not stoppiing the holes well enough or to fill up the pots often. I also cut a circle of thick plastic to put in the flower pots so the water would not evaporate out of them.
flower pots are easier to buy and cheaper than pretty old fashioned type pots but obviously not the right shape for the job.
Frost broke a few of the pots in winter which is quite a draw back if you wanted the system to be efficient then you should make pots that would last.
There is a pottery teet sort of thing sold in Merlyn Leroy that you can buy, whose other plastic end fits into the the mouth of your avergage bottle of bought water. You fill the bottle of water with water, fit on your pottery teat and stick the teet in the earth.
They are very expensive someone could do the world a big favour and maybe make a mint for themselves producing cheaper pottery teets for plants, the chinese maybe.
what about pottery closed ended pipes with a sticking out mouth that allowed you to fill them that could be set horizonlataly into the ground, as well as fat pots with thin necks and small mouths that allowed us to refill them without there beign a big area for evaporation for users in our rich countries. It is as well for us to develop the techniques that might help everyone. agri rose macaskie.
Seed the Mind, Harvest Ideas.
Seed the Mind, Harvest Ideas.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Idle dreamer
Humbert Cumberdale. Is that because it will take a while and a while of wet weather for the wood to get full of water and help you through the summer? agri rose macaskie.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
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Idle dreamer
Buy Our Book! Food Web: Concept - Raising Food the Right Way. Learn make more food with less inputs
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Idle dreamer
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South Carolina wrote:
Vela, I am very intrigued by your wicking bed. I looked at a number of your pics and links.
I have a kiddie pool that I think could be put to good use in this manner if I sink it a bit. Might also help with the dreaded voles. Two questions:
1. The bottom of the wicking bed does not appear to have holes – am I correct that this should be water tight?
2. I couldn’t figure out the white pipe sticking up that it attached to the black pipe that runs along the bottom (it’s purpose might be obvious but humor me – I’m slow).
I also like the ease of attaching netting over the top; I could just as easily cover with plastic in the winter – we don’t have much of a winter here so I only need a little protection
David Wise, DaBearded1. Doing Permaculture on .5 acre in a suburban setting, in a arid shrub steppe climate.
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