I know that you have asked for seeds, but those squash plants are all annuals. You'll be out having to harrow and resow the area the following year if you want to keep ahead of grass getting established. Two thoughts.
Look for the
video on the "Permaculture Orchard". It sounds counter intuitive, but they use black plastic on their orchard plantings. They plant shrubs and other ground and mid-level plants directly through slits in it. The video explains their logic, which includes its effectiveness and its longevity.
The other thing is you might find perennials are more effective - specifically I'd be looking at comfrey. Comfrey is planted as
root slips, and the broad leaves do an excellent job of shading the soil. My personal
experience is that they suppress grass very well if planted sufficiently densely, and really come into their own in about year 3. Comfrey feeds the soil directly in the root zone where you fruit
trees roots will be gathering nutrients.