Damien Vallero wrote:Has anyone ever used a hopper or an industrial spray-gun to apply plaster on their bale walls?
A couple videos on youtube have shown it in action. Looks neat. Seems to work fine with clay or lime-based plasters. I'm exploring the idea of applying it to the walls of my own recently built strawbale home.
I notice hoppers for sale on alibaba.com for like, $70USD. Might this be a worthy investment? I believe I would need a generator and an air compressor to make it work. Would save a hell of a lot of time, I reckon.
What do you think?
Hi Damien! I found this old
thread while searching and wanted to reach out and see how your
project went. Did you end up spraying your bales with slip? I am building a strawbale house right now, and will begin plastering within the next couple of weeks. I'm trying to calculate how much clay I'll need (I have to truck it in, we bought the side of a mountain and we have lots of rock here, but no site clay!). Do you have a sense of what volume of clay or slip you used to cover what square footage? Any lessons learned or tips you could share? Thanks!