Ok I've descovered a bit after doing a couple days of looking around and reading on this site.
First thing is that permies.com is not the first thing that pops up when you google things like
permaculture forum or the like. You are directed to permies.com's forum but you miss the actual opening page of permies.com; I would suggest linking to the permies.com page from the peries forum with a reason of why to go there. Even clicking the home button brings you to the home of the forum.
I feel like what most resembles a FAQ is the topics and articles section of the permies.com home and this is information that is unnecessarily hidden due to whatever is happening in google search. Don't wate your time blaming google, cuz I'm pretty sure they have "bigger" problems to think about. But I do feel like you should be responding to the environment around you and building your site to suit- pretty sure this makes sense to anyone involved in
Sorry to keep wining but I do feel like you are losing a big segment of atleast faux permaculturalists because of simple ease of use problems.
I have found your site easy enough to
root through but that doesn't meant that there aren't thousands of people who don't feel they have the time or
energy to invest.