This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
wood badge in
In this Badge Bit, you will build a community garden!
Related Articles and Websites:
How to Organize a Community Garden
How to Organize a Community Garden
Community Gardens - 10 Steps to Successful Community Gardens (Module 1 Part 1)
The minimum requirements for this BB are:
- Build a community garden
- 8 gardeners = 20 points, 3 points for every additional gardener, maximum of 50 points
- At least 8 garden plots clearly marked out and labelled
- At least a half an acre
Deer proof
Water systems
- Secure a reliable water supply (100 gal per day unsupervised)
- Supplying watering cans
- Produce/tool/hand rinsing area
- Lots of plumbing BBs to harvest here
- Paths to each plot
- Posted rules for gardeners
- Tool shed
- Document garden is well used at the end of the growing season
- Garbage and recycling center
- Needs access to a lavatory (preferably a willow feeder)
To document this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pictures or a
video (<2 mins):
- create a
thread documenting the creation and implementation of the community garden (must meet above stated requirements)