I started the lorena cooktop next to the red cabin and cooked oatmeal.
BB requires you to start a rocket cooktop and cook something on it. You are not required to build your own rocket cooktop but you will need access to one.
Minimum requirement:
- as in the
Food Prep and Preservation aspect, no aluminum or teflon/coated cookware or plastic touching the food (including bowls and utensils) is allowed
- a rocket cooktop uses a J tube or batch box to heat a permanent, intentional cooking surface
- the top of a 55 gallon barrel isn't good
- exhaust gasses are contained and exit via a chimney
To get certified for this Badge Bit you must provide:
- 5 pictures
o pic of starting materials before fire
o pic of fire started
o pic of additional
wood added
o pic of uncooked food on the rocket cooktop
o pic of cooked food coming out