I wanted to add a squatting feature to Joe Jenkins'
Loveable Loo basic
compost toilet. Riffing off Jenkins’ design (which is built around a standard U.S. 5 gallon
bucket), I decided to add some ergonomics to the baseline bucket-in-a-box toilet concept, incorporating a stool to encourage a squat position.
I also fashioned a new term,
stool drop (no, it's probably not what you're thinking), which is the vertical measurement from the bottom of a toilet seat, to the platform your feet rests on.
And, I devised a
Squatting Proficiency Chart.
Classification | Stool Drop (inches) | Hip Flexion Angle (degrees) |
Standing Up | ∞ | 180° (pooping not recommended in this posture) |
Western Non-squatter (“Right Angler”) | usually 16″ | 90° (not ideal anatomy for elimination) |
Newbie Squatter | 9″ | 45° |
Moderate Squatter/yogi | 7″ | 35° |
Native Squatter | 3″ | 20° to 25° |
This prototype model has a 8.5″ stool drop, somewhere in the middle between a newbie and moderate squatter. Future iterations will be designed to adjust the drop height for different users and people of different heights.
They're about to start construction on an additional dwelling unit in my backyard. As soon as I know whether I will need to move my compost bin (the other critical component of a closed loop
humanure system), I will start the home humanure flywheel process. I do not wish to have to move a partially poo-filled compost bin!
Thoughts? Feedback on the design?
Read more detail in my blog:
Building the World's First(?) Squatting Compost Toilet🙇!