Repurposed cotton fabric
3 |
Scott Stiller
Zach Muller
permaculture |
Greenhouse wine caps?
2 |
Scott Stiller
R Scott
fungi |
Mushroom farming in hugelcultures
9 |
Scott Stiller
Kevin Fitzgerald
fungi |
Possible to no till acres of new farmland?
15 |
Scott Stiller
Cristo Balete
permaculture |
Chickens that refuse to go to bed!
4 |
Scott Stiller
Adam Hoar
chickens |
Planting downhill from chicken poo
10 |
Scott Stiller
Co Nelly
permaculture |
Goat questions
2 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
goats and sheep |
Where to plant fennel
3 |
Scott Stiller
Blake Wheeler
plants |
Silk tree mulch?
0 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
soil |
Planting into pure chicken manure
4 |
Scott Stiller
Isabelle Gendron
composting |
Temporary erosion control
4 |
Scott Stiller
Michael Cox
earthworks |
Old cabinets and drawers
4 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
honey bees |
Well tank wood stove?
1 |
Scott Stiller
Justin Wood
wood burning stoves |
Bathroom tiles
6 |
Scott Stiller
G Freden
recycling |
Out of date permaculture practices
0 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
meaningless drivel |
Planting a new swale
2 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
organic |
Planting grapes into alkaline clay
13 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
mulch |
Spring cover cropping new Swales
2 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
cover crops |
Difficult low land farming
5 |
Scott Stiller
Aaron Blackmor
plants |
Chickens without a coop
5 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
chickens |
Starting a no till farm
16 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
permaculture |
Upside down hugelkulture
5 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
hugelkultur |
Mixed bag of sticks.
1 |
Scott Stiller
Leila Rich
mulch |
Chickens. To treat or not to treat?
19 |
Scott Stiller
Zach Muller
chickens |
Introducing new chickens without quarantine
6 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
chickens |
Planting an eroding hillside.
1 |
Scott Stiller
Dave Burton
permaculture |
Selling hickory wood
8 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
farm income |
Growing winter rye and daikon together?
4 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
cover crops |
Mixed forest composting
13 |
Scott Stiller
wayne fajkus
composting |
What the heck is this?
7 |
Scott Stiller
wayne stephen
meaningless drivel |
Lespedeza on terraces
10 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
hugelkultur |
Diy scythe
27 |
Scott Stiller
Benjamin Bouchard
scythes |
Shady creek food forest
9 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
forest garden |
Planting horrible soil on a hillside
10 |
Scott Stiller
Chris Duke
permaculture |
Terrible sloping driveway
4 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
earthworks |
Growing on power co right of way
8 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
permaculture |
Storing seed potatoes until time for fall planting?
0 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
potatoes |
Too much rain!
7 |
Scott Stiller
Matthew Lindsay
hugelkultur |
Sweet potatoes for food and ground cover
2 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
permaculture |
Winter rye as mulch?
3 |
Scott Stiller
Paul Cereghino
permaculture |
Sweet potatoes for food and ground cover
4 |
Scott Stiller
Scott Stiller
hugelkultur |
Sunchoke vs Tree of Heaven
4 |
Scott Stiller
Jordan Lowery
permaculture |
Stand alone solar water heater
11 |
Scott Stiller
Melba Corbett
solar |
No till sweet potatoes
8 |
Scott Stiller
Melba Corbett
permaculture |
Pee in my unfinished hugelkultur?
6 |
Scott Stiller
john giroux
hugelkultur |
Starting a "wild area" in my yard.
12 |
Scott Stiller
wayne stephen
hugelkultur |