This is purely take it with as many grains of salt as necessary, but I've avoided ever getting the full-blown gastro-flu for over a decade by eating a soy ferment called natto. I’ll start to get it, but a couple servings of natto later, I am pretty much ok. There is some precedent for this -it was once used to treat dysentery. The soil bacterium responsible for it’s fermentation -bacillus subtilis, is a hardy, spore-forming microbe that incidentally secretes a dozen or so antibiotic substances naturally.
It became part of my daily regimen some years ago and I began culturing it myself using store-bought natto as starter. It was one of those things where I just feel objectively better having a serving or two a day and feel less well when I don’t. It has a pretty useful anticoagulant enzyme in it that might have an effect on Lyme biofilm. As a source of vitamin K2 it is extremely potent, so don’t try it if you take anticoagulant drugs -like coumadin.
In the decade since I started eating it, I’ve never got fully ill from a stomach or intestinal bug. My wife, who doesn’t eat it as regularly, but will if she feels an upset gut coming on also has a similar track record. I feel it’s at least worth a try and likely worthy of study. I’ve told others about it, but it’s a tough
sell, being a pretty unappetizing food. It is light-years less gross than the stomach flu. I don’t think it tastes bad really. Especially if you make it fresh. Failing that, you can can find it frozen in little single-serving styrofoam boxes in many Asian groceries.