Paula Edwards wrote:I must have a look for both, cattle panels are a bit expensive though they want around $100 here.
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Our Microgreens:
Ivan Weiss wrote:Concrete reinforcing mesh, which usually comes in 20' x 7' sizes, gives more bang for the buck than hog panels.
John Polk wrote:If you need many, it is more economical to buy the concrete reinforcing by the roll. Home Depot has it in 150' rolls.
Or, a concrete company may be willing to sell rolls even cheaper.
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struggle - hustle - soul - desire
You have to be tough or dumb - and if you're dumb enough, you don't have to be so tough...
- be frugal try solar cooking
Regards, Scott
You have to be tough or dumb - and if you're dumb enough, you don't have to be so tough...
You have to be tough or dumb - and if you're dumb enough, you don't have to be so tough...
Regards, Scott
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Each generation has its own rendezvous with the land... by choice or by default we will carve out a land legacy for our heirs. (Stewart Udall)
Follow your heart
Regards, Scott
You have to be tough or dumb - and if you're dumb enough, you don't have to be so tough...
Regards, Scott
Sovereign Homestead Design
Regards, Scott
Regards, Scott
Regards, Scott
Scott Stiller wrote:Sadly, I don’t have a method. Years ago I saw that a midwestern farm was using oyster mushrooms. They were getting rid of Tree of Heaven though. I’m not sure if it would work on privet but it may be worth a try. They would strip the very top layer of bark off leaving the cambium layer intact. Then drill holes in a diamond shaped pattern and insert the plugs. The tree didn’t know it was in trouble so it never sent the signal to sprout more trees from its extensive root system. Damn, I need to try this! I truly haven’t thought about this in years. It’s certainly worth a try. The tree gave up mushrooms until the day it died.
You have to be tough or dumb - and if you're dumb enough, you don't have to be so tough...
Regards, Scott
You can thank my dental hygienist for my untimely aliveness. So tiny:
permaculture and gardener gifts (stocking stuffers?)