living trellises wokr OK..but i find that more sturdy platns work best for trees and shrubs..rather than tender plants..
i live in an area of a lot of natural woods..and the trees and shrubs support a large number of vines..some of the trees are dead but most are alive..there are clematis, grapes, nightshade, woodbine, and bittersweet growing up lots of the trees along the roads i walk on daily..and there are vines growing up my trees too, including those and ivy.
i honestly find my best trellises are lattice and wooden fences..which will be there permanently for your annuals or perennials..also tomatoes can be made to hold each other up if they are woven back and forth..we did that this year..weaving the taller climbers through each other..but i still think they do better if they are tied to one tall stake..
I have also read that there are problems with tomato blight some areas this year....but mine have not one single blemish on them anywhere..they are the most perfect tomatoes i have ever grown....they are completely inside of a