Okay, you've successfully sold me a new
gardening book.
Take away just from this is no till in soils that can absorb
water well. Cover crop and/or companion plant with legumes, brassicas, oats, and buckwheat. Irrigate consistently. And those bokashi composters might onto something exceptionally great. All these things can help plant absorb trace minerals to make them into SuperPlant for photosynthesis and disease resistance.
I have things to research. Thankfully these are all perfectly manageable on a small scale like my home garden.
Anyone see anything obvious I missed in this lecture?
The book is coming in paper form and I will start working through the Kindle version. Yes I bought a extra paper copy just to have a copy to add to the home library. Yes I am one of those people. First furniture I ever bought was a bookshelf. Designer tip, real walls of
books take more floor space than wallpaper but they make good thermal, block noise and provide generations of entertainment and education.